
You can download the PDF file of our Sponsorship Proposal here.



We offer obvious sponsorship benefits – you can choose according to your needs.
We are happy to tailor a customised package for you.

  • your logo in our newsletter, social media, website
  • become a part of our podcast series
  • access to our international network of multipliers / platform to find YOUR match
  • customised activities during the lab itself
  • become part of the documentation

Minimum amount is 5000 Euros / 5000 USD.


Contact for any questions: Ulrike Reinhard, mail: ulrike (at) ulrikereinhard (dot) com


1. About “cities as biospheres”

“cities as biospheres” is an art-driven innovation lab which will take place in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in November 2024. To make it happen we need your support!

Our Goal

With an unconventional approach (= art-driven and with an open design thinking process) we want to find solutions which function within our planetary boundaries and improve air quality and many other components of climate change in our cities and create “cities as biospheres”.

Thereby we focus on existing buildings / architecture.


We bring together artists, architects, city planner and developers, law makers, entrepreneurs and citizens. They apply with a very specific project on which they will work during the residency time in November.

The project they apply for needs to function with the planetary boundaries and the doughnut model described below!


  1. Why WE Need To Act Now?


There is an URGENCY to act. Within the last 8 years we went from crossing 4 planetary boundaries to 6! And CONSTRUCTION is THE major contributor (40% !!!!) to the increasing pollution we face! (1)

Source: Stockholm Resilience Center

(1) https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/co2-emissions-buildings-and-construction-hit-new-high-leaving-sector


  1. What We Do


The approach of the innovation lab is disruptive. We leave the usual environment of designing solutions for cities and bring together people from diverse backgrounds with very different thought processes.

Even though each participant applies with his/her own specific idea/concept, the possibility to join forces and work together is an essential part of the lab.

We offer our platform and network to find the perfect match for YOU. For example: The German company Polycare (https://sembla.de/) is looking for a collaborator in Brazil to license their circular brick system for new and already existing buildings.

Scale is essential – solutions which don’t scale are barely helpful. We are running out of time this is why we prefer solution which scale. The impact is needed.

We provide the participants with technical support (e.g. sensors) and open the doors to our network of policy makers.


  1. Our Timeline