Applications will open in February 2024.
You can fill out an online form which we will provide here.
We will provide you a place to stay at the Fazenda and food. Visa and travel, you need to take care of. We are happy to assist, if you need to apply for a grant to cover the visa/travel costs.
Our organizing team speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish, Hindi and German.
The Goal of the Residency
To create solutions which function within our planetary boundaries and improve air quality and many other components of climate change in our cities!
We primarily focus on existing buildings / architecture in the cities.
Application Guidelines
- Applications can be filed in English and Portuguese.
- Anyone older than 21 years can apply. You don’t need to have a college degree or job. People from all countries are welcome. We are ALL INCLUSIVE!
- You can apply as a company / NGO / Research Institution or adminstration.
- The idea/project you apply with needs to serve our goal. You need to show in your application how this can be achieved.
- If you need any specific materials to realise your idea/project, you need to bring them.
- Our organizing team plus special selectors will go through ALL applications and will then select the final 12 ideas/project for the residency lab.
If you need any help, please drop a line to: ulrike (at) ulrikereinhard (dot) com